Friday, July 1, 2011

First Look: Along Came A spider

I've stayed away from James Patterson, not because I didn't like his books, but on principle. He has so many, always a thousand in a series, and I have always felt that he was grossly overrated.

My brother, however, told me I was being a hipster. And that's no bueno. So I went to the library, found James Patterson's Along Came A Spider (the first Alex Cross book), and started reading.

I still think Patterson is grossly overrated. Too many people have played him up in my mind, so I was a bit disappointed. But he writes well, and the story is starting to catch my interest.

Two questions remain: Do I think this book is worth it? Yes. Do I think James Patterson is the greatest writer of our time? No. But enough. I have more reading to do.


  1. Nearly every author has a good story.
    Though I never read a James Patterson book, to be honest. Though I do been needing to check him out.

  2. It's taking me a LOOOONG time to read this book. It doesn't help that he has a katrillion chapters. I suppose I should just keep going. It might be worth it.
